Bridge to Justice provides customized legal services in the following areas to qualifying individuals.

We represent and advise individuals in a wide range of domestic relations matters, including: divorce and legal separation, civil protection orders, step-parent adoption, decision-making, child support, maintenance (spousal support), modification of child support and parenting time orders, and other post-decree issues. We do not provide free (Pro Bono) services at this time.
We are providing free eviction legal defense services to tenants facing eviction in the City of Boulder and Boulder County, pursuant to a grant from the City of Boulder Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Services Program (EPRAS) and the State of Colorado Eviction Legal Defense Fund. We are not taking other housing or landlord-tenant cases at this time.
Bridge to Justice offers free legal assistance to City of Boulder residents with healthcare and food assistance matters, including Medicaid, food stamps (SNAP), health exchange plans and tax credits for health plans. Our services also include advice and representation regarding applications, denials and terminations. This is a free service for consumers up to 80% of the Boulder Area Median Income (AMI) level (based on family size). Families over 80% of the AMI are currently ineligible. Funding for this project is provided by the Boulder Sugary-sweetened Beverage Product Distribution Tax.
To determine eligibility, please call us at (303) 443-1038 x104.

According to the 2017 Colorado Bar Association Economic Survey, our rates are one-half to one-third of the market rate for a Colorado attorney with comparable experience.
We provide services to clients based on the 2024 HUD Low Income Guidelines. (see table below) For those who qualify, we charge a reduced rate for advice and representation.
For the first bracket (those who earn between 0% and 50% of the Area Median Income in Boulder County), we charge $125 per hour for out-of-court services, in-court services, and mediation services.
For the second bracket (those who earn between 50% to 80% of Area Median Income in Boulder County), we charge $145 per hour for out-of-court services, in-court services, and mediation services.
For all clients, travel time is billed at $60 per hour and work performed by a paralegal is billed at $60 per hour. A retainer is required for any ongoing work, including representation in court.
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment to meet with one of our attorneys. Please fill out an intake form under the "Contact Us" tab on our website.
Based on the 2024 HUD Low Income Guidelines
First Bracket 0%-50% AGI
Household Size Annual Income Monthly Income
1 51,100 4,258
2 58,400 4,867
3 65,700 5,475
4 73,000 6,083
5 78,850 6,571
6 84,700 7,058
Second Bracket 50%-80% AGI
Household Size Annual Income Monthly Income
1 72,350 6,029
2 82,700 6,892
3 93,050 7,754
4 103,350 8,613
5 111,650 9,304
6 119,900 9,992