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January 12, 2022

Bridge to Justice has been selected as one of four finalists for the 2022 American Bar Association Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access. This prestigious award acknowledges the commitments made to improve the delivery of affordable legal services to those in need. The winner will be announced on January 21. If selected, our Executive Director will be invited to attend the ABA Mid-Year Meeting in Seattle in February. Bridge to Justice is also in the running for the Brown Select Award, which is chosen by online votes from the public. Please visit

to cast your vote for Bridge to Justice. The voting deadline is noon CST on January 21 so please cast your vote today and encourage your colleagues, friends, and family to vote for Bridge to Justice!


January 25, 2021

Bridge to Justice, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit legal services organization committed to providing equal access to justice, has received a grant from the City of Boulder to advise and represent City of Boulder residents facing eviction. The grant arose from the city’s No Evictions Without Representation ballot item. This item, approved by voters in November 2020, provides legal representation to people facing eviction.


The grant will enable Bridge to Justice attorneys to attend eviction return hearings in Boulder and advise tenants regarding defenses and negotiation strategies. Tenants are advised to contact Bridge to Justice prior to the eviction return hearing to allow for possible representation and negotiation.


City of Boulder residents facing eviction should call Bridge to Justice at (303) 443-1038, x104 or the City of Boulder at (303) 441-3414.

May 4, 2020 

#GivingTuesday is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

Bridge to Justice, like many other frontline nonprofit organizations, has experienced a decline in revenue during this crisis. Our clients – all of whom are low- and moderate-income – have had to forgo much-needed legal services in order to pay their mortgage, rent, food and other basic necessities for themselves and their families.

Please support Bridge to Justice and the communities we serve throughout Boulder County and the Denver metro area by making your tax deductible donation today. We hope you and your families are staying well during this challenging time.




May 4, 2020 

#GivingTuesday is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

Bridge to Justice, like many other frontline nonprofit organizations, has experienced a decline in revenue during this crisis. Our clients – all of whom are low- and moderate-income – have had to forgo much-needed legal services in order to pay their mortgage, rent, food and other basic necessities for themselves and their families.

Please support Bridge to Justice and the communities we serve throughout Boulder County and the Denver metro area by making your tax deductible donation today. We hope you are your families are staying well during this challenging time.

February 24, 2020

Bridge to Justice has been nominated for the Social Impact Business of the Year for the Northern Region of Colorado! We are one of only three finalists for this prestigious award. The 2020 PRISM Awards for Social Impact will be held Thursday, March 12 from 5-8 pm at City Auditorium in Colorado Springs. Click here for information about the award criteria. Wish us luck!

February 8, 2020 

Applications are closed for our Staff Attorney position. We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of the talented attorneys who applied. 


January 10, 2020

Bridge to Justice is hiring! We are seeking a dynamic and talented Staff Attorney to provide direct representation to modest means clients in domestic relations matters, including pre- and post-decree divorce and child custody cases and civil protection order hearings. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply by February 7, 2020. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Please click on the job description here for more information on the position.

December 31, 2019 

We are proud to announce that Bridge to Justice has been nominated for the American Bar Association Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access. This award is presented annually to programs and projects that advance access to legal services for those of moderate incomes in ways that are exemplary and replicable. Bridge to Justice is one of only ten organizations nationwide that has been nominated for the award. ​All nominees of the Brown Award are also entered into the running for BROWN SELECT, which is presented to the Brown Award nominee that gets the most votes from the general public through online voting.

Voting closes on January 8, 2020, so please cast your vote now by clicking here. Thank you for your support, and Happy New Year. 

Aug 18, 2019 

Bridge to Justice has been selected for Lucky's Market "Bags for Change" program. When you shop at the South Boulder Lucky's Market, located at 695 S. Broadway, Boulder, CO 80301, shoppers who bring in their own bags can donate a wooden dime to our nonprofit, and Lucky’s will double your donation at the end of the quarter. Bags for Change runs from August 18th-November 9th. Keep us in mind while you shop, and don’t forget your reusable bags! 

May 23, 2018

B2J Director helps set precedent in CO Supreme Court case in favor of victims of domestic violence. Find out more here, or read the article from the Boulder Daily Camera.  

May 7, 2018

Listen to B2J Attorney Ericka J.A. Fowler discuss family law on KGNU's "Victorious Single Parent."


Dec 10, 2017

Longmont City Council to consider human services agencies funding.

July 6, 2017

Check Out B2J's Grantee Spotlight by the Community Foundation of Boulder County.

May 2, 2017

Listen to B2J Director's Interview on KGNU on 5/1/17 with the Hon. Frank Dubofsky.

May 1, 2017

Boulder Attorney and Director of Affordable Psychotherapy Clinic Join Bridge to Justice Board. 

March 20, 2017

The Boulder Source Describes Bridge to Justice As "Leveling the Legal Playing Field" in Domestic Relations Cases. 

February 20, 2017

The Boulder Source Features Bridge to Justice As a "Helping Hand for Those in the Middle."

May 31, 2016

5280 Features Bridge to Justice as an Example of a Solution to Colorado's Access to Civil Justice Crisis

March 24, 2016

Bridge to Justice Hires New Attorney to Expand Civil Legal Services for Low- and Moderate-Income Coloradans


October 23, 2015

University of Colorado Law School Professor, Advocate for Equal Justice, Joins the Bridge to Justice Board


August 14, 2015

The Executive Director of Boulder Valley Women's Health joins Bridge to Justice Board


October 30, 2014

Founder of Non-Profit Law Firm Speaks About Serving Those in the Justice Gap


September, 2014

The Access Gap and What Can Be Done About It


September, 2014

Boulder Bar Association Newsletter


September, 2014

Boulder County Quarter Fund Distributes First Grants


August, 2014

Bridge to Justice in Law Week Colorado

Bridge to Justice

1123 Spruce Street

Suite 200

Boulder, CO 80302


Phone: (303) 443-1038



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